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Nimishamba Temple, Srirangapattana

   In and Around Tourist Places,Tourist Places in Srirangapattanam   January 10, 2013  Comments Off on Nimishamba Temple, Srirangapattana

Nimishamba Temple Sri Nimishamba is considered as the incarnation of Goddess Parvathi, the consort of Lord Shiva. This place Ganjam is considered as a holy place. Muktharaja of Surya Vamsha performed penance at Nimishamba Temple. Definitely this Temple has great relevance to the Mutharasa! shrichakrais carved on a stone in…

Masjid-e-Ala in Srirangapatna

   In and Around Tourist Places,Tourist Places in Srirangapattanam   January 10, 2013  Comments Off on Masjid-e-Ala in Srirangapatna

Masjid-e-Ala in Srirangapatna Tippu Sultan built this masjid in 1784 after he ascended the throne of Mysore. It is said that he performed the first imamath himself. The mosque has lofty minarets that touch the sky these minarets stand on a high platform and has an open court in the…